The CICMD serves as an umbrella that brings together experts across campus to collaborate in the detection, prevention, and treatment of cardiometabolic disease.
The Center for Integrative Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease provides unique infrastructure to accelerate collaboration, feeding into three areas of expertise: Basic Research, Clinical Research, Epidemiology and Population Sciences Research.
Basic Research
CICMD members in the Basic Sciences Division use animal models to study the role of the brain, vasculature, kidney, heart, immune and GI systems in a variety of physiological and pathophysiological states.
Clinical Research
CICMD members in the Clinical Sciences Division use human models to develop and implement cutting-edge treatment strategies for conditions related to cardiovascular, endocrine, and metabolic diseases including obesity, diabetes, and renal disease.
Epidemiology & Population Sciences Research
The Epidemiology and Population Sciences Division of CICMD unites investigators and trainees from across the UF health science center to promote the detection, prevention, and treatment of cardiometabolic diseases through research focused at the population level.