Dr. Sarah Lindsey received a Ph.D. in Pharmacology from LSU Health Sciences Center and postdoctoral training at the Wake Forest Hypertension and Vascular Research Center and was a recipient of an NIH Pathway to Independence Award. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the Department of Pharmacology at Tulane School of Medicine, holds the Barbara S. Beckman Professorship in Pharmacology, and is the Associate Director of Tulane Center of Excellence in Sex-Based Biology & Medicine.
Dr. Lindsey has expertise in estrogen receptor pharmacology and sex differences in cardiovascular disease, specifically in vascular function and remodeling. The goal of her research is to understand how the loss of estrogen at menopause impacts these processes. Moreover, her work to elucidate nongenomic estrogen signaling and its interactions with the renin-angiotensin system will allow the development of pharmaceuticals that can selectively elicit vascular protection to improve health in aging women. She holds an NIH R01 investigating estrogen’s effects on arterial stiffness and is the project leader on a newly funded PPG investigating the impact of cardiometabolic health on the cognitive effects of estrogen.
In Person Seminar: C1-009 Lecture Hall
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